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General Q&A, Bee chat and only Bee chat please
 #5370  by AdamD
 30 Dec 2019, 19:55
It was warm today so bees were flying which is good to see. I walked to my out apiary and checked the boards under most hives and varroa levels after 2 days varied from almost none to around 100. From daily measurements I had taken in previous years, I would expect a similar number of varroa to fall over the next 3 or 4 days to what's fallen so far.

I don't usually use Apivar but did get a pack of strips this year for interests sake and it was noticable that the colonies that had been treated with it all had a very low varroa count and those that were treated with Apiguard or Apilife Var (both thymol treatments) did not necessarily have low varroa counts.
 #5371  by Patrick
 30 Dec 2019, 21:39
Been watching a Micheal Palmer vid on beekeeping in the frozen North.

Interesting to note he thinks a decent natural brood break important. Made me think about the insulated hive discussion previously. Mind you, I am not convinced my uninsulated wooden hives have had a significant brood break either. Its so daftly mild, I may break the habit of my beekeeping life and quickly check a couple to find out.

That creaking noise is my own head being shaken in frowning disapproval.. 🙄
 #5372  by JohnB
 30 Dec 2019, 23:08
Oxalic acid trickle treatment today. One of the hives absolutely full of bees covering all the frames. Good to see the bees out flying in the sunshine.
 #5384  by Chrisbarlow
 04 Jan 2020, 11:11
I have been thinking about treating the bees with oxalic dribble. hold that thought
 #5388  by NigelP
 05 Jan 2020, 09:43
How to you know they still have brood Mick?
You checked or taken the "cluster Temp".

Most of mine in cosy poly hives are yet to start....I'm still getting 22/23C for the outer bees with an IR temp gun.
Could do with one of Jazz's prototype temp measuring devices....then would know for sure
 #5389  by Alfred
 05 Jan 2020, 11:17
Did a second fondant run,this time on the frame tops although they obviously didn't mind it through the feeder hole.
Most have consumed nearly a kilo in a week,and a blast of hot air on opening.
One crown board loaded with dead bees and some buzzing around under the perspex not feeding.
Brain cogs lubricated with hot tea and bacon butty,put suit back on and removed mouseguard-totally blocked with bodies.
Went round all the others to make sure.
 #5391  by MickBBKA
 05 Jan 2020, 22:55
NigelP wrote:
05 Jan 2020, 09:43
How to you know they still have brood Mick?
You checked or taken the "cluster Temp".

Most of mine in cosy poly hives are yet to start....I'm still getting 22/23C for the outer bees with an IR temp gun.
Could do with one of Jazz's prototype temp measuring devices....then would know for sure
Hi Nigel, Happy New Year mate.
Some are chucking out the occasional larvae as varroa is still a problem due to continual brood. I looked in some while rearranging frames of stores so have seen brood and others I have used my temp probe which is showing over 33C. A couple of colonies not with brood are about 25C.

A forum that wasn't designed for the early 90's would allow me to post some pics.

Cheers, Mick.
 #5392  by NigelP
 06 Jan 2020, 12:53
Thnaks Mich, I figured you'd check and not just say.
Mine are all still cold....or at least the ones with perspex crown boards are all reading about 13C above cluster with an IR gun....Cluster will be hotter but not disturbing them. There has been about 1 day since Dec when they actually flew here....cleansing flights only.
Sounds like Teesside is a tropical paradise at the moment... LOL
 #5393  by Patrick
 06 Jan 2020, 13:26
Oh no, now you’ve got me wondering about temperature probes, clear crown boards and a line of access holes in line with frame seams. My thermocouple and data logger is for measuring pottery kiln temps, so could be just a bit aspirational.

Could you even drill out down the midrib of a top bar and through older comb and line with a thin dummy tube (plastic straw?) which could be used to insert the probe sensor? Or just push it into cluster and get on with it?

Jazz, I take it all back - get on and design your thingy sharpish..😁
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