BBKA Forum

British Beekeepers Association Official Forum 

  • Can you recommend beekeping books/further reading for a novice

  • Beginners forum, ask beekeeping related questions and get help from other experienced beekeepers. Please use the Search Feature please to avoid duplicated threads
Beginners forum, ask beekeeping related questions and get help from other experienced beekeepers. Please use the Search Feature please to avoid duplicated threads
 #14421  by AdamD
 29 May 2024, 12:32
I found the BBKA manual a bit dull. A new beekeeper said to me this year that it's too complicated.
When I was about 8 (so a million years ago) I gave a talk to my class at school and used the Ladybird "Life of the Honeybee" book which is still relevant today and available online second hand - a great introduction if you have kids who want to help you.
Hoopers is good - it's a yes from me.
 #14430  by MickBBKA
 30 May 2024, 22:41
Hoopers for me, but do take into account things have changed massively since most of these books were written, climate patterns, flowering times, parasites and viral strains, bee types and god help us very soon endemic Asian Hornet. Read loads and apply what works for you.