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NHS lecture videos

PostPosted:21 Jan 2019, 11:22
by Jim Norfolk
I have enjoyed watching National Honey Show lecture videos this winter. I notice there are only 2 posted for 2018. Anyone know if there are more to come or for some reason that is all for the year. I for one would pay a small fee to be able to download some of them they are so good.

I also wonder if BBKA could be persuaded to record and put some of their convention lectures out for those unable to get to there.

Re: NHS lecture videos

PostPosted:21 Jan 2019, 18:22
by Chrisbarlow
having looked at their youtube channel, it appears not. there are 4 videos on there, 2 from 2018, 1 from 2017 and 1 other video. shame really, as your right, they produce some good videos of great lectures.

Re: NHS lecture videos

PostPosted:25 Jan 2019, 14:39
by DianeBees

There's about 6 from 2018...

I have a vague memory of there having been some funding that helped them video the NHS talks but will have to have a look.